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Hoogendoorn is known for its integrated automation solutions to help growers sustainably create a profitable business. Their growth management tools help growers analyze, manage, and optimize their company processes and achieve optimal crop production.


Products & Solutions

With their newest process computer IIVO, Hoogendoorn Growth Management creates sustainable and user-friendly automation solutions for horticultural businesses worldwide. Thanks to their worldwide partner network, they can deliver tailored, sustainable solutions of reliable quality to every horticultural business.
They offer an end-to-end solution for your entire business process with their solutions, training, recommendations, service, and support. 
Hoogendoorn's innovative products monitor every aspect of the greenhouse environment, including climate conditions, irrigation, and energy management.


Climate Management

An optimum growth climate under all conditions. The interplay of air temperature, humidity, CO2 content, and the proper balance of grow lights are essential conditions for a healthy and vigorous crop. The iSii process computer from Hoogendoorn offers an intelligent iSii control software with high-functioning sensors that help you coordinate the greenhouse climate efficiently.


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Water Management

Sustainable and responsible irrigation. The innovative iSii process computer helps you achieve responsible and sustainable water management to optimize crop results under all conditions and save on the consumption of water and fertilizers. It precisely controls and coordinates the dosage of your waters sources, such as rainwater, well water, and drain water with the demands of the crop.


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Energy Management

The iSii process computer from Hoogendoorn creates the ideal ratio of heat, CO2, and grow light necessary to ensure high production and quality crop. Thanks to the software’s innovative modular structure, all processes and systems in your company can be coordinated with each other seamlessly.


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Production & Quality Management

Efficient production of high-quality crops. Hoogendoorn's process computer offers advanced controls that provide you with all the tools to optimize the growth climate in your greenhouse. Via the online data analysis platform, Hoogendoorn offers a reliable harvest forecast, enabling growers to calculate their yields and grow more systematically.


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Data Management

Accurate and timely insights into your company operations. Hoogendoorn's computer records all relevant process information and offers multifaceted solutions in the area of data management. The online analysis platform provides you insights into your real-time growth data to learn from. You receive valuable data about your greenhouse climate, energy consumption, and production that can be compared over multiple periods and locations.


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Next Generation Growing - realize savings by knowledge (English subtitles)
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